UFOs; Cryptozoology; Conspiracies; Cover-Ups; and Hollywood Scandal...
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
A Radical Decision
I have come to what some might consider a radical decision!
As you may know, I have so many blogs right now that it's sometimes hard to keep track of what's going on and where. So, I am bringing all my current blogs to a halt. I'm not deleting them. But, I am folding them as of today. In their place, I have set up a new blog titled Nick Redfern's Fortean World.
Yeah, I know: it's hardly the most original or imaginative title, but it is accurate and to the point! So, from now on, while all my existing blogs will remain archived, here's the address for the new blog, Nick Redfern's Fortean World.
As you'll see, the design and style has not been completed yet, and there's no content yet either. But, bear with me, and over the next few days you'll see it start to develop its life and character!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
The World's Weirdest Places: 2012

"Just in time for that most mysterious and macabre of all nights--Halloween, of course--Nick Redfern unleashes The World's Weirdest Places, his latest darkly entertaining supernatural title.
"In its mysterious pages, you will find Redfern's personal top 25 paranormal-themed locales, and the strange, amazing, and diabolical things that lurk within them.
"From the legendary Loch Ness, Scotland, to the slopes of Mount Shasta, California; from the dark depths of the Solomon Islands to the heart of the Kremlin; and from the magical landscape of Sedona, Arizona, to the turbulent waters of the Devil's Sea of Japan, The World's Weirdest Places reveals the sheer astonishing scale of strangeness that dominates our planet.
"Bigfoot, aliens, ghosts, vampires, UFOs, lake monsters, strange energies, enigmatic vortexes, werewolves, and terrifying demons are just some of the bizarre things that populate these parts of our planet, which provoke as much fascination and intrigue as they do fear and horror."
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Pyramids and the Pentagon: 2012

And here's the blurb on the book from the publisher, New Page Books:
The Pyramids and the Pentagon is a detailed study of how and why government agencies have, for decades, taken a clandestine and profound interest in numerous archeological, historical, and religious puzzles.
Focusing primarily upon the classified work of the U.S. Government, The Pyramids and the Pentagon invites you to take a wild ride into the fog-shrouded past.
It’s a ride that incorporates highlights such as:
•The government's top-secret files on Noah’s Ark;
•Documents positing that the Egyptian Pyramids were constructed via levitation;
•Disturbing military encounters with Middle Eastern djinns;
•Claims of nuclear warfare in ancient India;
•Links between the Face on Mars and the pharaohs;
•And many more.
Nick Redfern’s The Pyramids and the Pentagon clearly and provocatively demonstrates that deep and dark conspiracies exist within the shadowy world of officialdom—conspiracies that have the ability to rock the foundations of civilization, religion, and history to their very core.
The strange and amazing secrets of the past are just a heavily guarded government vault away.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Keep Out!: 2011

Area 51, Hangar 18, the Montauk facility, and the Dulce Base.
These are just a few of the select, highly classified installations about which governments prefer that we, the general public, remain steadfastly ignorant.
And those same governments have excellent reasons for wishing us to remain in the dark. It is at these secret facilities that for decades clandestine research has reportedly been undertaken into crashed UFOs, deceased alien entities, bizarre creatures and unknown animals, lethal viruses, biological warfare, mind-control experimentation, and much, much more.
Whether situated deep under the oceans, far below the ground, or within the heart of remote, fortified desert locales, these and many other super-secret places are guarded with a near-paranoid zeal by those in power who wish to keep their secrets buried and locked far away from prying eyes.
And you can find all the information in my new book, Keep Out!, published right now by New Page Books.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Real Men in Black: 2011

In The Real Men in Black, author Nick Redfern delves deep into the mysterious world of these mysterious operatives. He reveals their origins and discusses classic cases, previously unknown reports, secret government files, and the many theories that have been presented to explain the mystery.
Highlights of The Real Men in Black include:
•The story of Albert Bender, the first man to claim an encounter with the Men in Black;
•The involvement of the MIB in the Mothman saga that dominated the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia in the 1960s;
•Encounters with the MIB at the site of one of the world’s most famous monsters: Loch Ness;
•Exclusive interviews with leading researchers of the MIB phenomenon.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Memoirs of a Monster Hunter: 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011
Space Girl: 2011

Mine is the second in a series inspired by Patrick Huyghe's Swamp Gas Times book, and is titled Space Girl Dead on Spaghetti Junction.
You may very well ask: who, or what, was the Space Girl? Well, that is a story in itself!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Final Events: 2010

For decades, stories of alien abductions, UFO encounters, Flying Saucer sightings, and Area 51 have led millions of people to believe that extraterrestrials are secretly amongst us. But what if those same millions of people are all wrong? What if the UFO phenomenon has much darker, and far more ominous, origins than the realm of outer-space?
For four years, I have been carefully and quietly investigating the strange and terrifying world of a secret group buried deep within the U.S. Government known as the Collins Elite.
It is the belief of the group that far from being extraterrestrial in origin, our purported alien visitors are, in reality, deceptive demons and fallen-angels; the minions of Satan, who are paving the way for Armageddon, Judgment Day, and the reaping and enslavement of our very souls.
Highlights of FINAL EVENTS include:
• A study of secret government files on occultists Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons, and their links to the UFO mystery.
• Revelations concerning the demonic link to the famous “UFO crash” at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 - links that, the Collins Elite believe, suggest the Roswell event was a staged, Trojan Horse-style deception.
• An examination of the Collins Elite's conclusions that there is a satanic agenda behind alien abductions.
• The disclosure of Government investigations into life-after-death and out-of-body experiences.
FINAL EVENTS reveals the stark and horrific conclusions about UFOs from Hell that certain people in the Government don’t want you to know about.
Friday, May 7, 2010

• Giant winged-things: feathered batmen, huge birds, pterodactyl-like beasts, and glowing-eyed gargoyle-style entities that haunt the Texas-Mexico border;
• Texas’ very own version of Puerto Rico’s infamous vampire-like monster, the Chupacabras;
• Blood-thirsty, predatory werewolves said roaming the wilds of Texas by the eerie light of a full moon;
• Texan equivalents of the famous Loch Ness Monster of Scotland: water-based beasts of unknown origin and identity that occasionally surface from the murky depths;
• The legend of the hairy wild-man, and wild-woman, of the Navidad that struck terror into the minds and souls of the people of the area way back in the 1800s;
• Encounters of the distinctly Bigfoot kind in central and east Texas; as well as in the state’s legendary and mysterious Big Thicket woods;
• Out-of-place animals: those creatures that are found within the Lone Star State, yet that have apparently strayed – sometimes inexplicably so - far away from their normal habitats;
• Those truly ominous beasts that may be far less than flesh-and-blood in nature, and far more paranormal and supernatural in origin;
The diabolical, cloven-hoofed Goat-Men that haunt the dark woods of Lake Worth, the old Alton Bridge at Denton, and Dallas’ White Rock Lake.
Monsters of Texas will be published by CFZ Press in the next few weeks.

Mix two parts science fiction with one part high-level government secrecy.
Add a liberal helping of the paranormal.
Then let Nick Redfern heat and serve.
The result is far, far stranger than anything that you could ever begin to imagine.
SCIENCE FICTION SECRETS presents some mind-bending answers to a number of highly intriguing and thought-provoking questions, including:
-- Did the U.S. Government secretly assist Steven Spielberg in the production of his groundbreaking science fiction movies "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial"?
-- Why were special agents of the FBI so deeply interested in the life, career, and activities of science fiction author Philip K. Dick (of "Blade Runner" fame)?
-- How did "The X-Files" spin-off series "The Lone Gunmen" anticipate months in advance the terrible tragedy of 9-11?
-- Why was the top brass of the U.S. Air Force so secretly interested in, and concerned by, the UFO-related tales of a relatively anonymous 1950s science fiction movie-maker who died in poverty in the early 1980s?
-- Did a nightmarish scenario presented in one of H.G. Wells' novels prompt Soviet Premier Josef Stalin to clandestinely embark upon a secret and diabolical experiment designed to create a super race of monstrous, half-human half-ape soldiers?
-- Has the military managed to successfully perfect human teleportation of the type that was most graphically and famously shown in "Star Trek" and "The Fly"?

The publisher's page on Contactees is just a click away!
And as the publisher - New Page Books - We are not alone...and Nick Redfern can prove it.
Contactees contains the fascinating stories of the select group of people chosen by visitors to Earth to spread their message. Are aliens really among us? Don’t be too quick to dismiss their claims.Truman Bethurum was divorced by his wife because she believed he was having close encounters of a very personal kind with a beautiful extraterrestrial “space captain” named Aura Rhanes. Is he nuts? Prescient? An omen?
A band of eerily human-looking, blond-haired aliens—later known as the Space-Brothers—informed other contactees that they were concerned by our warlike ways and wished us to live in peace with one another. Acting on the advice of the Space-Brothers, contactees such as George Van Tassel and George Adamski went out and spread the extraterrestrial word to anyone and everyone who would listen. And many did, including U.S. government agencies.
More than half a century later, the contactees are still among us, still telling their tales of personal alien encounters, and still maintaining their cult-like status in the world of UFOlogy. Nick Redfern’s Contactees relates their thought-provoking, lluminating, controversial, and sometimes bizarre stories in all their appropriately out-of-this-world glory.

The publisher - Anomalist Books - says:
Bigfoot? Check.
Phantom black dogs? Check.
Werewolves? Check.
Giant mystery birds? They’re here, too.
Toss in some haunted woods, spooky cemeteries, crop circles, and crashed UFOs and you’ve got Nick Redfern’s latest road trip across two continents for all things cryptozoological or otherwise mysterious. This is the third in a series of excursions into the occult fringe for the indefatigable Redfern.
It all started with Three Men Seeking Monsters, which Booklist called “lively and entertaining,” and was followed by Memoirs of a Monster Hunter, which his colleagues have called “wild and wooly” and “fascinating.”
Now, in this latest volume, Redfern defies all the laws of self-preservation and offers himself as bait in the face of the unknown – to learn, if indeed, There’s Something in the Woods.

Here's the link to the publisher's (New Page Books) page on the book.
And also from the publisher is the following on Memoirs of a Monster Hunter:
“This is one of the best books I’ve read in years. Redfern sweeps you away on
his personal adventure. Around the world, from romance, to ghastly beasts, to
the cosmos, Redfern has candidly shared the wonders of his young life."
—Joshua P. Warren, author of Pet Ghosts and How to Hunt Ghosts.
For centuries, people across the world have had a fascination with monsters and
strange creatures. They marvel at the tales and legends of the Bigfoot of the
Pacific Northwest; of the Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas; of the
infamous and diabolical Moth-Man of West Virginia; of fire-breathing dragons;
and of those dark denizens of the deep: lake monsters and sea serpents. But do
such creatures really exist? Can it be true that our planet is home to fantastic
beasts that lurk deep within its forests and waters? Memoirs of a Monster Hunter
proves the answer is a resounding yes!
In this follow-up to his wildly successful Three Men Chasing Monsters,
paranormal investigator and author Nick Redfern chronicles his surreal road-trip
through the United States and beyond in search of all-things monstrous. His
strange adventures lasted five years and saw him doggedly pursuing a
menagerie of creatures, including gargoyles, giant birds, and what some believe
are living dinosaurs.
Follow Redfern as he:
• Explores the El Yunque rainforest of Puerto Rico in search of the terrifying
Chupacabras: a razor-clawed, glowing-eyed beast that is part giant bat and
part vampire.
• Seeks out the Goat Man: a menacing creature that evokes imagery of both
demons and the fabled cloven-hoofed Centaurs of ancient mythology, and is
said to inhabit the forests of East Texas.
• Chases after what many people believe are real-life, flesh-and-blood
werewolves that surface from hidden lairs and prowl the countryside when the
Moon is full.
Part X-Files, part Crocodile Hunter with a mix of Jurassic Park and Fear and
Loathing in Las Vegas, Memoirs of a Monster Hunter takes you on a
roller-coaster ride into the unknown. Read personal accounts of the monsters
that inhabit your wildest imagination and your worst nightmares. The creatures
you were told couldn’t possibly exist, really do.

And one of the most famous is a creature said to haunt a certain stretch of old, tree-shrouded canal in central England. Its name is the Man-Monkey, and it became the subject of a full-length book from me in 2007 titled Man-Monkey: In Search of the British Bigfoot.
And here's where you can find out more about the glowing-eyed monster...
From the publisher, CFZ Press:
In her 1883 book, Shropshire Folklore, Charlotte S. Burne wrote: 'A very weird story of an encounter with an animal ghost arose of late years within my knowledge. On the 21st of January 1879, a labouring man was employed to take a cart of luggage from Ranton in Staffordshire to Woodcock, beyond Newport in Shropshire, for the ease of a party of visitors who were going from one house to another.
He was late in coming back; his horse was tired, and could only crawl along at a foot's pace, so that it was ten o'clock at night when he arrived at the place where the highroad crosses the Birmingham and Liverpool canal. 'Just before he reached the canal bridge, a strange black creature with great white eyes sprang out of the plantation by the roadside and alighted on his horse's back.
He tried to push it off with his whip, but to his horror the whip went through the thing, and he dropped it on the ground in fright.' The creature duly became known to superstitious and frightened locals as the Man-Monkey.
Between 1986 and early 2001, Nick Redfern delved deeply into the mystery of the strange creature of that dark stretch of canal. Now,published for the very first time, are Nick's original interview notes, his files and discoveries; as well as his theories pertaining to what lies at the heart of this diabolical legend.
Is Britain really home to a Bigfoot-style entity? Does the creature have supernatural origins? Or is it something else entirely? Nick Redfern addresses all of these questions in Man-Monkey and reveals a story that is as bizarre as it is macabre.

Sexual Deviants, Nazi Spies, Dangerous Loners, Communists, Drug Addicts, Traitors, And Monsters.
This is Hollywood Declassified.
It’s tough being rich and famous-stalked, photographed, hounded, and dissected. But obsessive celebrity watching has lurid history that began long before tabloid shutterbugs took their first shot. Here for the first time are the recently declassified celebrity files of the FBI, and CIA, and the military, giving the private dirt on the most “suspect, dangerous and immoral” public figures in the world-from George Burns to Andy Warhol.
EXPOSED! The panty parties and massive porn stash of comedian Lou Costello.
EXPOSED! Ernest Hemingway enlisted as a spy on behalf of the American Embassy.
EXPOSED! The sexual drives of our youth aroused beyond normalcy by Elvis Presley.
EXPOSED! Hollywood Honey Marilyn Monroe had shocking ties to Soviet Russia.
EXPOSED! Mysterious death of Princess Di a threat to national security.
What were the motivating factors behind the spying, the suspicions, and the accusations? What did those motivations actually reveal about the military, the CIA, the FBI, and the mood of the country? The answers make for a startling, insightful, astonishing, outrageous, sometimes shocking, and always controversial peek into the most secret of loves.
Here's where you can find out more on Celebrity Secrets.

Here's the link to the publisher's page on the book.
On the Trail of the Saucer Spies does not attempt to answer in detail the complex questions of what UFOs are, where they are from, or why there are here—there are countless titles available that focus upon these controversial issues.
Rather, it resolves the seldom-addressed questions of precisely why and how the official world is keeping a close watch on those individuals who engage in UFO research, or who are witnesses to UFO activity.
The truth-is-weirder-than-fiction examples recounted in these pages span more than half a century, and include all of the staple ingredients of the most controversial aspects of the UFO puzzle: crashed flying saucers, alien bodies held in cryogenic storage, black helicopters, crop circles, alien abductions (by alleged aliens and by
elements of the military), underground bases, animal mutilations, Government-sponsored disinformation campaigns, and even the exploits of the nefarious Men in Black.
As will become apparent, however, the full story also incorporates issues and organizations that—at first glance, at least—would appear to be totally unrelated to the UFO mystery. Ultra-fascist political organizations, the Irish Republican Army, communist-based groups, animal rights activists, computer hackers, Chinese Military Intelligence, and the North Korean Government ultimately prove to be pivotal to both understanding and unravelling the full picture of why a number of Governments take such a deep interest in the activities of those who look skyward.
Caveat lector: keep a close watch over your shoulder. “They” may be watching you,too.

Here's a link for more data on Body Snatchers.
Body Snatchers in the Desert exposes the darkest secret of the US Government—that a post-WW2 program used the deformed and crippled bodies of adults and children in biological and nuclear experiments. One test went awry and led to the rumors and cover-up of what has become known as the Roswell incident.
There was, in fact, no UFO crash with dead alien bodies at Roswell in 1947. And the Government’s recent explanation that it invovled nothing more unusual than a balloon to detect Soviet nuclear explosions is just the latest layer of the cover-up.
Body Snatchers in the Desert takes the reader on a journey from Japan to the heart of the New Mexico desert, from the famous Los Alamos Laboratories to the Pentagon and reveals what really happened: that an advanced, prototype aircraft built and flown by the US military crashed in the New Mexico desert and on-board were a number of human bodies that were exposed to the aircraft’s deadly radioactive cargo.
This wide ranging book encompasses tales of bizarre biological warfare tests; diabolical experiments undertaken on the bodies of deformed human beings by both Japanese and US scientists in the early-to-late 1940s; accounts and documents relating to test-flights by the US military of experimental, nuclear-powered aircraft in 1940s New Mexico; the whistleblower testimony of a variety of government and military personnel; a study of numerous officially released papers on the subject of atomic and biological research; and the disinformation operations designed to hide the sinister truth.
In Body Snatchers in the Desert, author Nick Redfern uncovers the gruesome and disturbing facts that have remained hidden for more than half a century.

For additional information on Three Men, click on this link.
From the publisher, Paraview-Pocket Books:
They sought out the strange.
They investigated the inexplicable.
They had one hell of a hangover.
On an odyssey of oddities that would take them all to the very limits of their imagination (and inebriation), bestselling author Nick Redfern teamed up with professional monster-hunters Jonathan Downes and Richard Freeman.
For six weeks in the summer of 2001, the intrepid-yet-hard-partying trio rampaged across the remote wilds of Great Britain in hot pursuit of werewolves, lake monsters, giant cats, ghostly devil dogs, and ape-men.
Their adventures led them deep into ancient forests, into the dark corridors of a mansion hiding a wild man, and to the shores of the legendary Loch Ness -- along the way encountering all manner of curious characters, including witches, government agents, and eyewitnesses who claim to have seen monsters firsthand.
And only at journey's end did the hard questions posed at the start of their quest begin to reveal some mind-bending answers. That monsters truly do exist in our world. And that we are responsible for their existence!
Whether you're seeking a glimpse into the bizarre reaches of reality, or just looking for a good time, Three Men Seeking Monsters is a uniquely gonzo trek with a trio of adventurers who pushed themselves to the edge -- and went right over it.

Here's a link to further information on Strange Secrets.
From the publisher:
If you thought The X-Files was fiction, think again!
For as long as extraterrestrial and paranormal phenomena have been investigated, the official government response to any events deemed "otherworldly" or unexplainable has been well documented: DENIAL. Not because various governments aren't interested in UFOs, monsters, and psychic abilities -- but because they have their own secret agendas for using this knowledge.
In this thoroughly researched compendium of conspiracies and cover-ups, the remarkable findings that have been documented (and supposedly debunked) by the governments of the United States, Great Britain, and the former Soviet Union are finally revealed, including:
Attempts by the U.S. Air Force to build a fleet of nuclear-powered flying saucers...
The British military's files on the Loch Ness monster and other mysterious beasts...
The Cold War race between the CIA and the KGB to create the perfect psychic spy/assassin...
The real story behind the enigmatic "Men in Black," who terrify UFO witnesses into silence...
For anyone who wants to know the truth -- or the truth behind the truth -- Strange Secrets is the ultimate resource for understanding exactly what the government doesn't want us to know -- and why they want to keep us in the dark.

For further data on Cosmic Crashes, click here.

For additional data, click on this link.

For more information, click here.
From Paraview, who republished the book in 2004 for the U.S. market:
The British government didn’t want you to read the contents of Nick Redfern’s A Covert Agenda.
Redfern discovered that the British government has been tracking UFOs since 1947. The Ministry of Defence has documented and investigated hundreds of Royal Air Force, police, and public encounters with UFOs. But it has never acknowledged these activities and has deliberately prevented its citizens from discovering these UFO encounters. But according to Redfern, this conspiracy of silence is cracking. After decades of cover-up the truth can finally be told: UFOs are real and the British government knows it. In A Covert Agenda, Redfern reveals data from thousands of pages of previously classified files on the British government’s knowledge of the presence of UFOs. He also speculates on the origins of the UFO mystery and the implications of confirming an extra-terrestrial presence on our planet.
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